
Your journey as a mom begins here!

Being pregnant is one of the most precious moments in a woman’s life. It’s a time to celebrate your magical step into the world of motherhood. The whole process of pregnancy is beautiful, but tiring. It’s never to early to schedule your maternity portraits.

Your Growing Baby Bump

Your beautiful baby bump is getting bigger. You may feel morning sickness, but let’s forget about all the things that make you feel self-conscious, just for a moment. Instead think about the miracle of a new life that’s growing inside you. This moment will go so fast, and one day become a true memory of a time, that seemed to take forever, but is all too soon forgotten.
This truly is a miraculous time so document and celebrate your transition to motherhood with a tasteful, and beautiful maternity session. Years from now, your child will look back at these photos, and know how excited you were for he or she to be a part of your family.
My maternity session is a perfect way for you to capture the beauty and glow of your ever-growing baby bump. I pour my whole heart into each session to create beautiful images, that capture the significance of your pregnancy bump and above all else – what it feels like, and not just what it looks like.

When should I schedule my maternity portrait session?

Maternity portraits are best scheduled to take place between 32-36 weeks of your pregnancy. Ask me about my Bean to Sprout package, to capture maternity, newborn, 6 month, and baby’s first birthday.

You are welcome to bring your partner, or other children to the session. I will incorporate them into a few photos. This is a great way to make an older child feel part of the process.


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