Many high schools take a formal Senior Portrait at school, so you don’t have to worry about the yearbook. Many Seniors choose to have their own creative senior portraits taken by a professional photographer. Other schools require you to personally turn in a digital file by a deadline. If that’s the case, find out that date ASAP.
The Location
Do you like tall grass and fields? Barns and fences? Modern, downtown, and buildings? Water, bridges, and trees? Maybe you like a combination of all of them. Try to picture yourself, and what you love…that’s where I want to photograph you. If you don’t have a specific place in mind…no worries, I’ve got a few locations I can recommend.
When should I schedule?
Schedule your senior portraits a few months in advance. The Fall and Spring are my busiest times of year, so be sure you get your senior portrait session scheduled well in advance.
What should I wear?
Select colors that get you the most compliments. Steer clear of neon colors, as they can leave a color cast on your skin. Avoid large logos, stripes and busy patterns. Choose clothes that fit well, without being tight. Be sure to iron your clothing, and that your socks match your outfit/shoes.
Pick two outfits to give a little variety to your portraits. Choose something you feel slightly more dressed up in, and also an outfit you’re more likely to wear often. Play sports? Why not incorporate uniforms or equipment.
Girls may opt to get their hair and makeup done professionally before a senior portrait session. Whether you choose to do your own hair, or have someone else do it, follow these tips: Do not get your hair cut the week of your session. Schedule your hair cut at least one week prior to your session. Guys should have a fresh shave the day of the session. Don’t worry about blemishes or bruises. Basic skin retouching is included in the price of your session.
How long will the session take?
You can plan on one hour for a Senior Portrait session.
What is the session like?
We’ll discuss some ideas, and other important details. You may be nervous, but you really don’t have to be. I’m easy going, and want our time together to be fun. My goal is to capture who you really are, as this stage in your life. We’ll explore the location together, while stopping along the way to capture some beautiful backdrops. You don’t need to be worry about what to do, how to smile, or how to stand – Leave that to me!
Should I bring a family member or friend?
Sure! Sometimes it helps to have someone there to help you relax or laugh. It’s always nice to have someone goofy standing behind me, but just warn him/her that I will probably put them to work!
How do I book a Senior Portrait session?
Ready to schedule your Senior Portraits? Contact me here. Looking forward to meeting you and capturing this special milestone!